Czech Balloon Trophy 2024
25th Open Czech National Championship
Jindřichův Hradec
20. 8. - 24. 8. 2024
Balloon Event of 2024!
Jindřichův Hradec 20. 8. - 24. 8. 2024
Once a year, Czech and foreign pilots compete for first place in balloon flying.
The championship of the Czech Republic is the most prestigious event of the year in the ballooning community.
Come and watch the balloon race live in Jindřichův Hradec.

Dear competitors, dear visitors,
hot air balloons have a long tradition in the Czech Republic and South Bohemia. Ballooning is not just about flying in an open basket and watching people and nature from a bird's eye view, ballooning is also a sport.
Accuracy, tactics, speed in decision-making, estimation of weather and wind direction as well as perfect control of the balloon are conditions for success in the competition. The pilots try to achieve as precisely as possible the targets determined in advance by the competition director or previously determined by the pilot, using tactical experience and weather conditions at different altitudes as best as possible. During the flight, the cooperation of the pilot and navigator with the crew on the ground is also important, providing their balloon with important information for the competition flight.
We are happy to be able to invite you to Jindřichův Hradec again in 2024. Beautiful nature, plenty of suitable areas for take-offs and landings are prerequisites for a successful competition. In the vicinity of Jindřichov Hradec, we also established the tradition of night flying in the Czech Republic with hot air balloons years ago during our meetings with friends. The Czech Ballooning Championship is held in cooperation with the city of Jindřichův Hradec and the aeroclub Jindřichův Hradec.
In addition to the competition itself, in which approximately 25-30 competitive balloons from the Czech Republic and abroad will be presented, we are preparing balloon flights outside the competition, mainly sightseeing flights over Jindřichův Hradec and the so-called fiesta and balloon bulbs - a night light show.
In order for such an event to even take place, it needs a lot of support. Big thanks in advance to our sponsors and patrons, all partners and many helpers. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the city of Jindřichův Hradec as well as the Jindřichův Hradec Aeroclub, the Czech Aeroclub and the Czech Balloon Association for their support.
We are looking forward to lots of balloons in the sky, many other experiences in Jindřichův Hradec and we hope that we will only have nice balloon weather for the entire duration of the planned event!
Pavel Kostrhun & Daniela Kalná
Organizers MR ČR 2024